Where’s my jetpack? Breaking Borders (December 2014) • video on Vimeo
On minimum quality in typeface design. (Keynote) 5 Encontro de Tipografia, Barcelos (November 2014) • slides on Speakerdeck
The Didot Greeks: a masterful adaptation with a persistent legacy. Didot conference, Amiens (October 2014)
Typefaces for screens. Smashing Conference, Freiburg (September 2014) • slides on Speakerdeck • video on Vimeo
Learning to see questions. (Keynote) Typecon Education Forum, Washington DC (July 2014)
Notes on multi-script typeface design. Die Welt in Schrift – GRANSHAN. TGM, Munich (July 2014) • slides on Speakerdeck
Document demand, typeface supply. Toppan Printing Museum, Tokyo (May 2014)
Challenges and methods in multiscript typeface design. TYPE&, Tokyo (May 2014)
From production specification, to markup for meaning. InfoDesign 2014, UDLAP, Mexico (March 2014)
Display typefaces. SVC, BIAD, Birmingham City University (January 2014)
Out of the Reading box. Eye magazine Type Tuesday, St Bride Library, London (December 2013)
Tools, techniques, and innovation in typographic design. Design.r/e.volution, Warsaw (November 2013) • slides on Speakerdeck
Notes on typographic decisions [panel contribution]. W3C: Publishing and the Open Web Platform, Paris (September 2013) • slides on Speakerdeck
Document demand, typeface supply. Granshan Conference, Bangkok (July 2013) • slides on Speakerdeck
The Newest New Typography. Ampersand Conference, Brighton (June 2013) • slides on Speakerdeck • video on Vimeo
Who needs another German type designer? TypoBerlin (May 2013) • slides on Speakerdeck
John 1, Victor 0 : a reappraisal of Baskerville’s Greek types. Industry & Genius, Birmingham (April 2013). Repeated at ICTVC, Nicosia (June 2013)
This is the new typography (and the typefaces that make it happen) v.2. ALUO Design Talks, Ljubljana (April 2013) • video on YouTube
A renaissance in display typography. (Keynote) Typography Day Guwahati (March 2013) [cancelled due to illness]
Typography maturing online. Brill Symposium, Leiden (November 2012)
The Greek-English Intermediate Lexicon. TDC Salon (November 2012) [cancelled due to hurricane Sandy]
This is the new typography (and the typefaces that make it work). TypoLondon (October 2012) • slides on Speakerdeck. Repeated at Transit Gallery, Prague (November 2012)
Digging into the ATypI Archive. ATypI Hong-Kong (October 2012) • slides on Speakerdeck
Developing a new model for distance-learning in an archives-rich discipline. Designs on eLearning, London (September 2012) • Proposal here
Redefining typographic teaching for shiny planes. (Keynote) Typecon Milwaukee Education Forum (August 2012) • slides on Speakerdeck
A new bilingual lexicon. ISType, Istanbul (June 2012) • Original talk on Vimeo. Repeated at ALUO Design Talks, Ljubljana (April 2013) • Their video is better
It’s typography, Jim, but not as we know it…. Od „Ala Ma Kota” Do E-Matury, Warsaw (April 2012) • Video on YouTube, slides here
A new, hybrid postgraduate programme. IDC 2012, Katowice (January 2012)
Emerging meta-typography. Critical Tensions, St Bride, London (November 2011)
Think it through! ATypI Letter2, Buenos-Aires (October 2011) • Video on the ATypI site
Integrating research in typographic education. Un coup de des, ESAD, Paris (September 2010)
A few thoughts on typeface design v.2. TGA, Vienna (March 2010)
What Greek can teach designers. ATypI Mexico (October 2009)
Thoughts on typeface design education. Typecon Atlanta (July 2009)
Typeface design for graphic designers v.2. Sofia Design Week (June 2009)
Typeface design for graphic designers v.1. Dublin Institute of Technology (March 2009)
A few thoughts on typeface design v.1. ATypI St Petersburg (September 2008). Repeated at the Letter Exchange, London (January 2009)
Book design in transition: a threat or an opportunity for designers? STGU, Warsaw (December 2007)
Thoughts on specialisation in design education. First Conference on Design Education, Katowice (December 2007)
Rethinking [typo]graphic design education. ATypI Helsinki (September 2005)
Making design practice explicit. Typo.graphic.beirut, Beirut (April 2005)
Who needs another typeface? and The designers are off snowboarding! University of Alberta (May 2005)
Type design as lotus-eating. Bad Type, St Bride, London (October 2004)
Restating the brief: a new agenda for design education. ICTVC, Thessaloniki (June 2004)
Polytonic Greek. ATypI Vancouver (September 2003)
Greek typeface design. Parsons School of Design, New York (September 2003)
Rewriting the alphabet: a case-study of history forgotten. Mind the map!, Istanbul (July 2002)
On some Greek typefaces of the last five years. ICTVC, Thessaloniki (June 2002)
Developing strands in Greek type design. ATypI Copenhagen (September 2001)
Leipzig and Greek type design. ATypI Leipzig (September 2000)
Typography and the Greek language: designing in a cultural context. ATypI Reading (September 1997)