Archive | publications

Form(al) education. Comment on design education for Form magazine. (2014)

You make it happen: document demand, typeface supply (2014). In Granshan design & identity, Boris Kochan (Ed.), Kochan & Partner • Text on

Typeface review: Capita (2014). In Typographica, Stephen Coles (Ed.)

Going global: the last decade in multi-script type design (2013). In Typographica, Stephen Coles (Ed.) • Text on and on this site

Slanted Babylon (2013). In Slanted Special Issue: BabylonJulia Kahl (Ed.), Magma Brand Design

Reading typeface design (2013). In Yearbook of type, Julia Kahl (Ed.), Niggli

An emerging discipline (2013). In Parenthesis no 24. Sebastian Carter (Ed.), FPBA • Text on and on this site

From concrete to fluid, but not yet to social : Thoughts on capturing lectures. (2013)

Echoes on designing across scripts : Email archaeology in typeface discussions. (2013)

The next ten yearsTypographica, (2013)

The origin of “adhesion” (2013). A bit of background • video

Type ahead (2013). In Computer Arts Collection: Typography, Vol 2 no 2

Typeface review: Colvert (2013). In Typographica, Stephen Coles (Ed.)

Thoughts on a quiet master (2012). In Monotype Recorder, Monotype Imaging (Republished online)

A comics reminisce, and the Daytripper. Notes on favourite comics. (2012)

Foreword for Type compass: charting new routes in typography (2012). SHS Publishing, Rome

You need an opinion, on top of an impulse (2012). In Whatever Next: a discourse on typography, James Edgar (Ed.), Camberwell Press • Text on
(Publication accompanied by exhibition at the Kemistry Gallery, October 2012)

Never lost for words (2012). Text for booklet on a font collection, Monotype Imaging

Type design and development (2012). In Typography Referenced, Emily Potts (Ed.), Rockport Publishers

In the bunker: the first TypoLondon stirs things up – and takes the locals by surprise (2011). Review of 2011 TypoLondon conference. In Eye magazine, no 82, and on the Eye blog

Lost in flatlands (2011). Eye magazine, no 80, and online. See also follow-on piece in Typenotes:  ‘Palettes are evil’ (8 August 2011)

In with the old, in with the new (2011). Review of the first Design of Understanding conference. In Eye magazine, no 79, and a shorter version on the Eye blog

Type tales told for ordinary folk (2010) Review of Just my type: a book about fonts. Simon Garfield, Profile Books, 2010. In Eye magazine, no 78, and online

Formal richness for the tablet age (2010). Review of Type: a visual history of typefaces and graphic styles, (2 vols), Cees W. de Jong (Ed.). Taschen 2010. In Eye magazine, no 77, and online

A few things about typeface design (2009, 2010). Published in the Letter Exchange Forum no 18, September 2009, and in I love typography, March 2010 • Spanish translation published on UnosTiposDuros, September 2014

Languages, scripts, and typefaces (2006). Response published in tipoGrafica no 70 • Text on

A primer for Greek type design (2002). In Language, Culture, Type, John D Berry (Ed.), ATypI & Graphis

An introduction to Greek typeface design (2000). Palo Alto, CA: AGFA/Monotype, 54 pp

Γραμματοσειρές και πολιτισμική ταυτότητα (2000). Ειδική έκδοση Ελληνική τυπογραφία

Don Knuth’s Digital Typography: in search of the digital Cresci (1999). In Information Design Journal, 9:3, 1999, 111–118