This page is a hub for resources on Greek typeface design. There are texts to read, typefaces to study as examples, and links to resources for designers.
Update 2025
Here is a set of [edited] slides used for an in-depth workshop for non-Greek typeface designers developing skills for the Greek script. The focus is on OEM families, text-intensive applications, and branding. The slides include some of briefing material, none of the exercises, and all the “skeleton template for Greek typefaces” — probably the most useful bit for practitioners.
Update 2018
In addition and before any other texts, look at Designing Greek typefaces, published on Medium. This is a slightly updated version of a text published in Biscriptural (which also embellished the text with images I had no say in selecting as representing my content…)
Texts for designers of Greek typefaces
Fundamental texts for typeface designers preparing for Greek.
Typefaces with Greek complements worth studying
Good contemporary examples, in a range of styles.
Polytonic typefaces of note
(This post in in Greek, but the typefaces are shown and identified clearly.)
Examples of ano teleia (and other punctuation) in texts
(Compiled to support a Unicode discussion.) Contains a historical overview of other Greek punctuation as well.
Writing and letter grouping
Material for the very first stage of designing Greek typefaces.
Texture and fitting
Material for making decisions for designing letter proportions, counters, and spacing and kerning Greek.
Monotonic case conversion
The absolute minimum needed to support case conversion in OpenType Greek fonts.
Resources for Greek type design by Gerry Leonidas licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.